Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Case of the Bouncing Grandma by A. K. Arenz

Glory isn't your typical Grandma. She likes to be active and play with her grandson. As a result, she is now confined to a wheelchair with a broken leg. Right now she is watching the neighbors move in next door. Things don't seem too out of the ordinary until she sees what looks like a foot sticking out of a rolled up carpet. Then there is a mysterious man, with a limp, lurking around the moving van.

Glory calls the police to report a murder and thus starts a chain of events that might not end well for Glory and her family.

I loved this story. It was well written the characters were quirky and likeable. I was able to get involved from the very beginning. A thoroughly enjoyable experience. A great first book in the series for this christian mystery series. I hope there are a few more coming.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Whispers of Murder by Cheryl Bradshaw

Isabelle Donnelly is about to get married. No one in her family approves, but she is determined to go through with it anyway. When she wakes up from her honeymoon night she finds her husband dead. Not sure what to do the first person she calls is her longtime friend Emmett to rescue her. Her husband was poisoned, but was it really meant for Isabelle. Is someone trying to kill her.

Excellent plot. Kept me interested for the first word. I like the authors style and would like to read more by her but unfortunately our library doesn't have anything else by this author. And since I have tons of other material to read I will have to pass for now.

Quick read, but well worth it.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Frozen Trail by Lisa Dayley

I don't agree with some of what the Mormons believe, but I admire the spirits of those travelers that went through such an ordeal to get to "Zion". This fictional story is based on the Willie Handcart Company and the group of pioneers that traveled through the treacherous winter storms to reach the promised land they were promised by missionaries. One of the travelers in this courageous group is the great-great-granddaughter of the author.

What a hardship they went through, the loss and suffering was overwhelming at times.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Christmas Angels by Jason W. Chan

This is fiction based on a true story. Greg is a single dad struggling to take care of his little girl Angela. He is looking for work, but is not having any luck, applications at fast-food places don't even contact him. He panhandles to try and get money since according to the government he isn't poor enough to get assistance. He arrives home with his daughter to find that he has been evicted from his apartment.

Greg had recently reconnected with a former girlfriend. Jessica offered to let them stay at her apartment if he needed to. He arrived on her doorstep and accepted her generous offer. The first night there Angela complained of her head hurting. Greg rushed her to the hospital. A fall earlier in the day had caused a subdural hematoma. They would have to do surgery to relieve the pressure.

After surgery Angela slipped into a coma, leaving Greg to wonder what to do next.

This isn't a joyous story, but it one that will touch your heart in many different ways. It doesn't take long to read, but is well worth the time.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

This book is set sometime in the future. Women weren't allowed to own property or have money. They also weren't able to have a job. There were different classes of women. The wives always wore blue. The servants always wore green. There were women in the colonies that always wore gray. Then there were the handmaid's who always wore red. There job was to enter into a household to help that household have a baby. Only the fertile women became a housemaid. The couldn't read or do any of the things from their former lives.

I only finished reading the book because I was slightly intrigued by the subject. It was very strange. There was just enough there to keep me going, but since I know how it ends I don't know whether I am happy about it or not.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Christmas Journeys: Finding Joy Along The Way by Justin W. Tull

The author gives a unique perspective on the main characters of the Christmas story. First part of the book is an introduction to the main characters in the Christmas story. It is a more in depth look at who they are and their place in the story.

Second part of the book is a story of three people and the struggles they are all going through. We meet Vivian, Linda and Stuart. Each has their own struggle with the holidays and how God opens their hearts to a new way of thinking. It is about how they are brought together.

I wish that second part of the book could have been expanded, but it was a good read nonetheless.

Christmas Jars by Jason F. Wright

Hope Jensen never realized that the research for her dream article would affect her to the very core of her being. On Christmas Eve she came home to find that her apartment had been robbed. While the police were searching for evidence a jar was found with money in it. On the jar was written Christmas Jar. She was curious to find out who gave her the jar and if she was the only one. Her search led her to the Maxwell family. A simple child gave a gift one day that led to the phenomenon of the Christmas Jar.

What a powerful story. We were the recent recipients of an anonymous gift. It touched our hearts so deeply that I wanted to do something for someone in return. After reading this book I have decided to do this. I am going to use my piggy bank and give away the money. I save change in it anyway, but now it will go to help someone else instead of myself or my husband.

The book gives a whole to meaning to doing something for others selflessly.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dear God,

Where do I begin.  My heart is very overwhelmed with so many things.  With it being Valentine's Day today - it brings to mind those that I love.  I know that most people think of this as a romantic holiday, but for me it is a day to remember everyone that I love dearly. 

Most of my immediate family is gone now.  I have one sister that is still around, but we aren't close so I feel alone a lot.  As far as I know all of my Aunts and Uncles are gone now too.  I am thankful for Dean's family and love them alot.  I have two step-children that I love, whether they want to believe that or not is not something I have control over.   Then there are those friends that are like family.  You know who they are and I thank you so much for them. 

I am thankful for all the new people we have met at Hillcrest.  Grow Group and the women's group activities are terrific and help me so much.  Dean and I have been truly blessed by those we have met and gotten to know since we moved to the area.  We miss our friends back in Eau Claire and think of them often. 

We received a gift card in the mail recently for Bill's Food.  I have been praying for our financial needs and there appears this gift in the mail.  Dean and went to the store Sunday to pick up a few things and used the card.  We didn't know how much it was for.  Needless to say when we found out, we both were brought to tears.  Dean and I were stunned and couldn't believe that someone would do that for us, the rest of the day was a blur.  I still tear up when I think about it.   I wish there was a way to thank whoever sent the card, so please let them know how grateful we are for their generosity.

I feel your hand working in our lives and leading us to be the people that you want us to be.  I see spiritual strength and growth were there wasn't any before and I know that is because we followed your leading to find a church to get involved with.  Thank you for your faithfulness to us.  There is nothing we could do to deserve it.  But how much I crave to be the person you want me to be.

Watch over us in the coming weeks. Keep us safe and healthy.  Watch over the members of Hillcrest and our neighbors.  We are truly blessed to know all of them.  I am so grateful for our new life here in Oregon.  I know you led us here for a purpose.  Guide our steps and we trust you to enlighten us.


Monday, February 13, 2012

The Red Suit Diaries: A Real-Life Santa on Hopes, Dreams, and Childlike Faith by Ed Butchart

Beautiful story of how one man with a dream can grow a simple desire to help people, into a lifetime of service to others.

I was touched at the heart of this wonderful man. The stories he shares will touch the hearts of young and old alike.

Perfect for anytime of year.

The Future of Us by Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler

When you were in high-school struggling to figure out your place in the world, what would you do if you got a glimpse into your future.  Emma and Josh find out when an AOL promotional disc opens up a window into something called FaceBook fifteen years in the future.  It is this strange world where people comment on their lives and the things the are doing.  Josh thinks this is a prank, but Emma isn't so sure.  Emma realizes that her future self isn't happy and decides she is going to try and fix it.  Josh tries to stop her, but can't help but want to see what his future holds. 

Seeing the future can take your focus off the present, to the detriment of your future.  Being so focused on what might happen makes you forget what you should be doing in the here and now.

At first I thought the premiss of the book would be kind of strange, but the character development was very well done.  In high-school I remember getting so caught up in my future that I forgot to pay attention to what was currently happening.

The story was very well written and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Exit Actors, Dying by Margot Arnold

Dr. Penny Singer and her friend Toby Glendower are in Turkey on vacation. They each see a dead body when they are sight seeing. They both decide that the only way to make sure they are free to continue on with their trip. Of course things don't quite as planned. Will they be able to figure out who commit these murders and manage not to get hurt in the process? You'll just have to read this to find out.

It was an ok read for me. I don't know whether it was the style of the author or what, but I had a hard time getting into the book. It caught my attention enough that I wanted to find out who did it, but I don't think that I want to read any of the others in the series.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dear God,

I am feeling so lost and disconnected.  How can that be?  Thank you for helping me get to sleep last night, it just wasn't the same without the sound of Dean's breathing next to me.  It is amazing how we come to value and miss those little things.   I had a small glimmer of what wives and husbands of military people go through, but last night being alone and missing my partner in crime gave me a whole new appreciation for what they go through.  I've only had to experience it for one night these brave men and women deal with it on a regular basis.  God give them strength they need to get through each day.  Bring people into their lives that will help them cope and to get the relief from the stress that they need.

I am waiting to hear what is going to happen to my dear sweet  love of my life.  I am scared and nervous.  I hate that he is in pain, but glad that it appears the pain isn't being caused by his heart (at least so far).  Keep my faith strong no matter what this day brings.  I am placing Dean in you hand.  Please keep him safe and protect him.  I didn't realize how much I need him until he wasn't there last night.  I am scared!  God I can't take much more of this.  Please let this be something minor.  My heart is so full that I can't even begin to express my hearts desire.

You can see into the deep dark places of my heart.  Please see my heart's desire and calm my spirit.  Give Dean and I the strength we need to face the day.  Help me to sense your presence throughout the coming day.  Thank you!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Mystery Mile by Margery Allingham

Judge Crowdy Lobbett is retired and being threatened by the Simister gang, because they believe he knows too much. So Simister has had him followed wherever he wnet and tries to have him killed. Albert Campion is hired to help keep the Judge safe along with trying to find out who the head of the gang is and stop him.

I liked reading the book. The only problem I had was that I had seen this on DVD from the Albert Campion series that was on TV. So some of it got mixed up in my head. I like the style of writing. Kind of old fashioned and the character of Albert Campion is great. He is very mysterious and just when you think you have him figured out, something new is learned about him.

Like the series!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dear God,

Sometimes as I sit here in the quietness of the morning my heart is overwhelmed with so many things that I don't even know what to do with it all.  I look at things in my life and wonder what the purpose they could possibly have in the long run, the grand design.  I remember hearing a story once that our life is like a quilt design.  Working on each individual square it is hard to see the whole.  It is only when you can step away and look down from a distance that you are able to see the entire design and see what the layout looks like.  How each square fits with the other, which fits in with the whole. It is the same thing with cross-stitch or any other craft.  It is only when you step back that you can see the grand design. 

I so want to see the grand design of my life sometimes, to see how the dark colors of struggle fit with the bright ones of happiness.  In my head I hear Why? God! Why?  This doesn't make any sense!  I don't have the strength to do this!  What is the reason?  Then again I don't know if at those times I really want to know the answer.  Sometimes I think these things can't possibly go together, how can it go with the rest!  But you are the Great designer and I can't possibly see how the weaving together of certain things will affect the final picture.  Probably good thing.

Kind of like the story of a man walking on the beach looking back at the footprints of his life and seeing two set of prints during the good times, but only one set during the difficult.  Not realizing that during the difficult times God was carrying him.  What a wonderful image!!

I know some of what I am feeling this week is from my birthday.  I am missing my parents and my sister, especially my sister since her loss is so recent.  She never forgot my birthday, never turned me away when I needed to talk or vent.  She was a wonderful sister and good friend to her pesky little sister.  She was 18 years older than me and didn't need to spend so much time with me when I was growing up, but she did, and for that I was so grateful.

The space she left behind is being filled by all the wonderful people Dean and I have met since attending Hillcrest.  My heart is overwhelmed with the fellowship we have experienced.  How thirsty I was for fellowship with other women who can understand what I am going through.  The desert of my soul is being refreshed!!!

Thank you Lord for guiding me even when I don't realize it!!  Help me to not worry about what the quilt of my life will look like! 
