Monday, October 10, 2011

Missing Family and Friends

There are some days like today, when I miss my family.  Mom, dad and Dee.  I knew that somewhere down the line that I would probably be the last one left of my immediate family.  My sister Marg is still alive, but we are not that close relationship wise or location (she is in Georgia).  I have cousins and second cousins and the like.  I also have Dean's family, but sometimes on days like today the emptiness of the lack of immediate family overwhelms me.  I have many dear friends, but most of them are at a distance from me too.  I don't have anyone near by to have a quick lunch with or anything like that.  To get together with family or friends takes coordination and planning.  Over the last several years (6-7) I have lost touch with so many good friends.  Why does that happen?  You can promise to keep in touch, but when it comes right down to it, it takes an effort.  Life overwhelms and things get in the way and before you know it years have gone by and you sit and wonder where so-and-so is .  I need to make a better effort to keep in touch with those I am closest to, because you just never know when something could happen.

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